Mindfulness in St Patrick's PS
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness in primary schools improves the emotional resilience, performance and happiness of pupils.
Mindfulness teaches children to be more aware of their emotions and thoughts. Children also begin to become more aware how their emotions and thoughts can shape their behaviour.
Through simple mindfulness exercises, pupils learn to find a quiet place inside themselves. This steady place inside becomes a support when they get distracted or when life feels challenging.
Mindfulness skills can help pupils when they feel scared, angry, sad or worried. Learning mindfulness explores the importance of ‘growing happiness’. Pupils learn how to savour good moments so that they build resilience and a robust sense of wellbeing.
Trained to Teach Mindfulness
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness in St Patrick's PS
All our pupils from P4 to P7 will experience the Paws.b programme over a half term and once the children have worked through the curriculum and are familiar with all the practices, the practices will then feature each day as part of their daily routine in the classroom.
Mindfulness in St Patrick's PS
What is the Paws.b mindfulness course?
Paws.b. is a mindfulness course suitable for 7-11 year olds.
It consists of six on hour lessons or 12 half hour lessons. It provides practical skills for pupils to use in the classroom, playground and at home.
All of the lessons use striking images, film clips and activities to enable pupils to understand how mindfulness can help them train their minds to concentrate better, make good choices and do their best.