Week 8
Big Book: Little Red Hen
Phonics: this week we are looking at the sound ‘ue Activities for this sound along with our other sounds we have already taught can be found on Purple Mash and matching phonics books are on Bug Club. Also try to write words with this sound in them on your whiteboards and put them into sentences. E.g. blue, true, clue, fuel.
HFW: this week's words are up, in, cat, I, and is. Practise writing these words each day. Can you think of a sentence that uses the words? For example: The cat is up in the tree. I am up at 8o’clock each day. Now write the sentence sounding out the words you don't know.
Reading: Remember to get on to Bug Club and read more books. You should be reading at least one book a day. Remember to click on the bugs in the book and answer the question. If you get it right the bug will fall asleep! Make them all fall asleep to close the book. Only closed books are counted!
Writing: this week we want you to retell our Big Book, The Little Red Hen. Draw 3 or 4 pictures to tell the story in order and then write a sentence about each. Remember to use our time words in your writing; First, Then, After that, Later on. Get an adult to help you with the words you can't spell. Remember CAPITAL LETTERS, SPACES AND FULL STOPS! Try to read your story to an adult. Maybe you could take a photo of you with your story or video yourself reading it and post it on Facebook or send it to your teacher’s email? We would love to see them.
Number: This week we will continue to revise our number skills. You need to be able to recognise and write the numbers to 20, then 50 and then 100 as well as adding and subtracting. You will see activities for this on Purple Mash and Bug Club. Some of them you might have completed before but do them again as we need to make sure we can add and subtract for going to P3!
3D Shapes: We are also going to look at 3D shapes this week. Watch the YouTube video below to make sure you know the names of the shapes. Pay attention to them as some are difficult as they are similar! In the 3D shapes the sides are called faces and the corners are called vertices. You need to be able to name each shape and know how many faces and vertices it has.
- try to make the shapes using straws along with blutac or tooth picks with marshmallows.
- If you have building blocks at home, can you make a picture using the shapes? can you describe the picture using the shapes?
- pick a shape and describe it to your mum. Can she work out which one you are thinking of? Swap and see if you can guess the shape!
- when out on your daily walk look for shapes and then you could draw them when you get home. We would love to see the different shapes you see!
Patterns: continue pattern work
- can you make a pattern using lego or blocks you have around the house?
- can you make a 2 colour pattern? now can you make a 3 colour pattern?
- can you make a shape pattern?
- what else can you find around the house or outside to arrange into a pattern? cutlery? leaves? teddies?
- design a flag and colour it using a pattern. Send us a picture of your finished flag.
We can't wait to see all your patterns!
1) Log in to Bug Club and in My Stuff you should see an icon for Active Maths. Here you will find games that support the learning this week. Get on and have fun!
2) Log in to Purple Mash and play the number, shape and pattern games we have added. Remember to save your work and then we can see it and comment on it.
Activity 1: My Happy Place
When you are feeling sad, lonely, angry or worried, thinking about things that make you happy can help.
On your whiteboard draw a place that you would like to go to because it makes you happy. Think about this place when you are feeling sad or alone.
Activity 2: Keeping Healthy
Look at the document below and draw pictures of what you think
- your body needs to be healthy
- your brain needs to be healthy
- you can do to make your heart healthy
Keeping Healthy
Activity 3: Mindfulness
Watch the video below on Mindfulness. Sometimes there is so many worries in our head that it can be hard to concentrate. Use the sand timer to slow your thoughts and worries and calm yourself.
Activity 4: Gratitude's
Take time to think about the things we have to be thankful for. This might be our family, our pet dog, speaking to our teacher on the phone. Each day before going to bed, try to name 5 things you have to be thankful for that day. It makes us feel good when we think about the things we have in our lives.
We have added some Farm and Spring activities to Purple Mash. Below you will find links to some other activities for these topics.