This week we are revising the sounds ‘g,o,u,l,f,b’. We need to know all these sounds before going to Primary 3. Activities for these sound along with our other sounds we have already taught can be found on Purple Mash and matching phonics books are on Bug Club. Also try to write words with these sound in them on your whiteboards and put them into sentences.
This week's words are at, dad, play, we and mum. Practise writing these words each day. Can you think of a sentence that uses the words? For example: We are going to the park. I asked my dad “Can I go out to play? My mum is at the shops. Now write the sentence sounding out the words you don't know.
Remember to get on to Bug Club and read more books. You should be reading at least one book a day. Remember to click on the bugs in the book and answer the question. If you get it right the bug will fall asleep! Make them all fall asleep to close the book. Only closed books are counted!
This week we want you to choose one of the characters from our Big Book, The Enormous Turnip. Draw a picture of the character and then write some sentences about them, what they look like, remember to use describing words. For example: The farmer’s wife wore a purple and red dress. Remember we don’t need time words as we are not retelling the story but describing the character. Get an adult to help you with the words you can't spell. Remember CAPITAL LETTERS, SPACES AND FULL STOPS! Try to read your character description to an adult. Maybe you could take a photo of you with your character description or video yourself reading it and post it on Facebook or send it to your teacher’s email? We would love to see them.
This week we will continue to revise our number skills. We are going to look at number bonds to 20, 30 and 50. You can use your white boards to practise these. Get an adult to check your work when you have finished. We will continue to work on addition and subtraction You will see activities for this on Purple Mash and Bug Club. Some of them you might have completed before but do them again as we need to make sure we can add and subtract for going to P3!
This week we will continue with measure below you will find some activities about weight, capacity and length. It’s important to be able to talk about these areas using words like; heavier, lighter, longer, shorter, holds more, holds less. Try to complete some of the practical suggestions below too:
-if you have scale in the house (baking scales are perfect) choose some items and try to sort them from lightest to heaviest.
-if you have no scales choose items and hold them in each hand. Can you tell which is heavier or lighter?
-find some teddies. Which is tallest? Which is smallest? Can you order the teddies by their height?
-get some plastic containers and a small cup. How many cups does it take to fill each container? Can you write labels for each container saying how many cups it took? Can you now order the containers?
-find some odd socks. Can you put 3 in order by saying long, longer, longest. What about small, smaller, smallest?
Patterns: Continue pattern work
· can you make a pattern using lego or blocks you have around the house?
· can you make a 2 colour pattern? now can you make a 3 colour pattern?
· can you make a shape pattern?
· what else can you find around the house or outside to arrange into a pattern? cutlery? leaves? teddies?
· design a flag and colour it using a pattern. Send us a picture of your finished flag.
We can't wait to see all your patterns!
1) Log in to Bug Club and in My Stuff you should see an icon for Active Maths. Here you will find games that support the learning this week. Get on and have fun!
2) Log in to Purple Mash and play the number, pattern and measures games we have added. Remember to save your work and then we can see it and comment on it
CARE Friday
This week for “CARE Friday” we will be focusing on “R” for read and write. Choose a few of the activates below to complete.
· Read a book online
· Write a letter to your future self (you could write about what you would like to do in the future.)
· Write a thank you note to someone special explaining to them why you want to thank them. (Example: a note to your parent saying thank you for all the special things they do for you)
· Read a book to you mum or dad.
· Draw a large outline of the first letter of your name and fill it with words about yourself.
Remember boys and girls to have lots of fun. You can send pictures to your teacher. We love to see all the amazing work you have done and can’t wait to see what you do for CARE Friday.