Week 1
This week in Numeracy we are looking at recognising, ordering and writing the numbers to 10, then 20 and then up to 100 along with Odd and Even numbers. Its important that your child becomes very familiar with these numbers, and activities should be very practical. Some examples are below.
- Clap count in 2's to 20, in 5's to 50 and in 10's to 100.
- Count forwards and backwards from different numbers, e.g. 12-18.
- Get out your number line or hundred square and get an adult to ask you about the numbers. Can you find 9? Can you find 1 more than 15? What number comes before 23?
- Write different numbers on your whiteboard. Check to make sure they are the right way round.
- Can you write the numbers between 7 and 15?
1) Log in to Bug Club and in My Stuff you should see an icon for Active Maths. Here you will find games that support the learning this week. The games this week are Clam Collector and Excellent Estimating. Get on and have fun!
2) Log in to Purple Mash and play Bond Bubbles and Odd and Even games. Remember to save your work and then we can see it and comment on it.
3)Below you can find links to games on Top Marks that will also support the learning.
Make a Rocket Mouse
Can you follow the instructions in the link below to make a rocket mouse! Get everyone in the house to make their own rocket mouse. Whose mouse went the highest? How can you make it travel further? How can you make it travel higher? If you can video your rocket mouse flying and send it to your teacher through their email. Emails can be found in packs sent home.
Design A Rocket
On Purple Mash can you design your own rocket? What design will you add to it? Remember to save your work when you are done and then we can see it.
History of Aircraft
Click on the link below and find out about the history of aircraft. Email your teacher and tell them a fact or two that you learnt about on the website. Can't wait to see what you found out!