Purple Group Children
- Maths warm up: knowing our numbers to 10. Watch the video link below.
- I can add two amounts together. Click on the link below to learn about 'adding'.
- Adding two amounts: Sign on to Purple Mash to do your task assigned by your teacher- 2do A-fish-metic
- Number formation: Can you copy the numbers from your number line onto your whiteboard?
- Ask your child to order different times of their day and talk about their routine.
- It is very important that children read every day. Your child has been allocated books suited to their reading level on Active Learn’s Bug Club. Please login and read these books!
- Please read these new HFW books, designed to help your child revise high frequency words (HFWs) learnt in class. Please re-read these books throughout the week to familiarise your child with common words.
- Story- Gingerbread Man- Watch the video below or read the book if you have it and use your reading strategies e.g. pointing parrot, lips the fish and eagle eye.
- Phonics: Go over this song with your child and practice writing x on your whiteboards.
- Look at the picture below – talk with your child about which pictures have the ‘x’ sound in them.
- Sequence a story: Use these pictures to help you and your child sequence the story. Try and use words such as First, Then/Next, Finally.
- CVC words:
- Writing: Ask your child to write the sentence ‘Here is a big fox.’ If they are finding this hard they may need this written at the top of their whiteboard and then copy it below. Try and focus on how they form their letters. When they are finished ask if they can read their sentence (remember to use the reading strategies to help). We’d love to see pictures of their fabulous work.
Fun activities:
1. Make or decorate your own gingerbread men.
2. Try making your own name out of pasta or junk materials.
3. Pick 4 of your favourite books at home and go for a sound hunt!! You are looking for the letter x. For every x you find your adult owes you 1p.
4. Set up a treasure hunt around your house - make a map for child to follow - remember, X marks the spot for the treasure!!
5. Listen to this fun story about a troll and some pirates written by Julia Donaldson: